In our first Membership Organisation and Trade Association Growth Tracker, we looked at the undeniable impact of AI.
We asked whether a practical use for AI had been found inside these organisations. 43% told us that while AI was being trialled, it was yet to play a major part in day to day operations. A further 33% were either grappling with finding a practical use for AI or simply still looking for ways to integrate it. The reasons for this were varied.
One Chief Executive working in the transport sector told us – “We have tried using AI to accelerate and try to improve written materials related to meetings and marketing and have found that we have needed to spend more time editing 1st drafts than if we hadn’t used it at all. We will still try to find uses for AI where appropriate, but for now the jury is definitely out!”
Another CEO representing the construction sector, spoke boldly of their plans for AI. “AI is becoming more integrated into workflows and we are currently redesigning and upgrading our systems to automate more, leveraging AI as much as possible.” A CEO from the Healthcare sector in part matched this and said they were – “Currently testing whether we can use it to automate language translations and workflows to produce sets of PPT slides to a pre-defined template.”
Suffice to say, AI is off the starting blocks and making in-roads into organisational workflow. That said, finding the right business function suited for enhancement using AI is the challenge along with understanding how this technology really works.