The Blueprint
What did we try to find out?
The creative industry is the bastion of secrets, anxieties, innovation and crowd-pleasing advertising campaigns. Its leaders carry the responsibility for so much and yet there is little opportunity to open up about what keeps them awake at night, how they are tackling seismic technological change as well as ensuring their businesses continue to intrigue and attract the next generation.

To de-robe the creative industry of its secrets, international executive search company The Blueprint conceived a two phase insight project – The Truth About Talent 2023. Designed to gather the views of c1400 senior leaders based in the UK and US, they ran a ten question Pulse that looked at D, E, & I, the impact of AI, the delicate balance between creativity and profitability, hybrid working and the sentiment split across of the generations. All the findings were used to build a colourful landscape on how today’s talent is motivated and what the C-suite is currently most pre-occupied by. This Pulse was coupled this with a series of in-depth one on ones with a diverse mix of captains of industry. Representing a selection of the world’s leading advertising agencies, each interview included a particular focus on what causes this tier of management sleepless nights.

The Truth About Talent 2023 findings have not only provided The Blueprint with content for its social media strategy but delivered the perfect script to discuss hiring needs across their ever widening client base. Each topic covered by the Pulse deliberately gave attention to a dynamic within the creative industry that merits debate. The results have produced a credible platform for The Blueprint to talk about what talent needs both now and in the future.
The Truth About Talent 2023 has given us an excellent pathway to starting new conversations with both clients and prospects across different markets. Because we focussed on some of the more taboo subjects in this report and through the power of Pulse which extracted the most honest perspectives from CEOS and the C-suite, these conversations have been very fruitful and meant we can build even closer relationships with the agencies we work with. Using a blend of qualitative and quantitative data is a smart investment because you end up with two data streams that enrich each other so the content has a much longer shelf life.
Geraldine Gaillemin, Managing Partner